Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Our family"

This is our family. Travis, Michelle, Brayden, Jaren, Treyson, Dallon, and Gavin.

I'm still learning how to do all of this. Thanks to Lana we finally got a picture! (Thanks Lana!)

Just a little something funny Treyson said today in primary.....
So, it was ward conference today and the Stake President was in primary giving a little lesson-He was talking about the 4th article of faith and he asked what the 1st principle was. Treyson immediatly raised his hand. (Like he always does) So the Stake President called on him and he answered "We believe!" It was so funny!


  1. Okay that last comment was a trial because I have commented twice already and it wouldn't let me leave it! So what I really wanted to say was...
    Hi! SO excited that you are bloggin' And I will help you anytime becasue we've gotta get you commenting and choosing different backgrounds and we'll have fun several sunday chats I'm sure and excited! Trey is soooo cute! He cracks me up. I've already spread his cuteness whith a few friends! Love it! Make sure he checks out my blog to see that he's in the b-day box! Which I think is a cute idea and I stole it from Mike's blog! :)
